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Japan's electrical and electronic industry base

点击: 发布时间:2020/6/3 11:27:06
ic information industry, equipment, automobile and motorcycle manufacturing industries.Japanese companies have thrived in Chongqing over the past few years, with isuzu and Suzuki, two Japanese companies that have invested in the city for more than a decade, both making decisions this year to expand capacity.

The establishment of the Japanese electrical and electronics industry base, for both sides are of great significance.Japan has a developed electronics industry, and about 40% of the global electronic components are made in Japan. However, due to the shortage of labor and other resources, Japan needs to transfer its industries to other countries. Choosing to cooperate with China and settle down in Chongqing is a right decision.If you choose to settle down in Chongqing, you will not only have a low production cost, but also be able to support the electronic information industry, equipment, automobile and motorcycle manufacturing industry nearby. Moreover, through the "Yuxin Europe" New Eurasian Land bridge, the products will be transported to Europe more quickly, with lower logistics cost and further enhanced competitiveness.

Chongqing has a good location advantage and relatively perfect industrial chain. How to seize the opportunity of western development with Chongqing as the focus is crucial for Japanese enterprises

Li Jinzao said that Chongqing, located in the core area of Eurasia, is the top priority of the western development strategy. It has a good location advantage and a relatively complete industrial chain, and it has good conditions in terms of labor cost, industrial technology and transportation.Japan's establishment of an electrical and electronic industry base in Chongqing will promote closer cooperation between China and Japan in the electrical and electronic industry and equipment manufacturing industry. The Ministry of Commerce will promote the Base to become a demonstration project for economic and trade cooperation with Japan.

Niwa said that the western region is the forefront of the 12th Five-Year Plan, and Chongqing is particularly eye-catching.To set up the electrical and electronic industry base in Chongqing is to take Chongqing as the core area of Japan's electrical and electronic, notebook computer, camera and other industries.

"The locomotive of the Chinese economy is shifting from the coastal to the inland."More than 30 Japanese companies have come to Chongqing to investigate the investment environment and have greater expectations for the development of Chongqing, Ishiyama said.At present, how to seize the development opportunity of western China with Chongqing as the focus is of great importance to Japanese enterprises.The JnTO will help more Japanese companies find business opportunities in Chongqing.

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